New home for our gigs

Mon 12th Jul 2021

After 18 months of extensive planning and collaboration, our two beautiful gigs finally have a new mooring. Phoenix and Denny Shoal are now on a running mooring sitting proud in the middle of the marina when they aren’t in use. Previously they were moored by the slipway in Parish Wharf end of the Marina. However access to the gigs, particularly on dark winter nights wasn’t easy, and they were occasionally a target for low level vandalism. So finding a more secure mooring became a priority. However, it needed approval from the marina, and agreement from other water users and after many meetings and discussions it was agreed to use a running mooring. This involved sinking two tyres, attaching ropes to the tyres which were then secured under the water to the steps. The two boats could be secured to the ropes, locked off for security and be hauled in when they were needed to be taken out by a crew, easily and safely. Putting them in place was probably the most challenging part of the process! But with paddleboards, yoga mats, poles and a huge amount of creative thinking, the tyres were finally sunk at the weekend and the boats safely attached. For the large crowd watching, it was great entertainment for a Saturday morning, with many watching wondering if they were practising for the raft race! Everyone was relieved it went without a hitch, and the running moorings will be put their paces in the next few weeks.